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Sunday, September 30, 2018

海馬 Seahorse hippocampus

海馬 Seahorse 海馬屬於輻鰭魚綱的魚類,是一種小型海洋動物,身長5-15厘米。因頭部彎曲與體近直角而得名。在希臘神話中,海馬被視作為海神的坐騎. 海马有着补肾壮阳、活血理伤的功效,因此很多的男性常饮用由海马而制成的海马酒、三鞭酒以及龟龄集酒等保健品。但是,并不是所有的人都可以饮用的. 海马(拉丁学名:hippocampus),是刺鱼目海龙科暖海生数种小型鱼类的统称,是一种小型海洋动物,身长5-30厘米。因头部弯曲与体近直角而得名. 有雄性动物能够怀孕,那就是海马。 hope you will enjoy it my website my blogger

Friday, September 28, 2018

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Green Snake - look kind of evil

Green Snake - this one look kind of very evil .scary my website my blogger chan

Big Snake

I dont like snake at all but many do like them, here is one video for all your snake lover my website my blogger

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Bearded Dragon

One of the very popular pet - Bearded Dragon my website my blogger

Monday, September 17, 2018

Monday, September 10, 2018

西洋菜湯 Watercress soup 老火汤 episode 40 平靚正快 煮食天地 陳叔善

my website

葡萄成熟時 陳叔善唱

葡萄成熟時 陳叔善 Peter sing popular old mandarin song ( (陳蘭麗 原唱) 葡萄成熟時 陳叔善 湯尼 新芒 一時的離別 用不著悲哀 短暫的寂寞 更需要忍耐 將滿懷希望 寄託於未來 用滿面笑容 愉快地等待 金色的陽光 要我把頭抬 溫馨的和風 替我把路開 親親喲親親 親親喲親親 別後多珍重 葡萄成熟時 我一定回來 一時的離別 用不著悲哀 短暫的寂寞 更需要忍耐 將滿懷希望 寄託於未來 用滿面笑容 愉快地等待 金色的陽光 要我把頭抬 溫馨的和風 替我把路開 親親喲親親 親親喲親親 別後多珍重 葡萄成熟時 我一定回來

一剪梅 陳叔善唱

《一剪梅》[為中華民國的中國電視公司(中視)於1984年12月17日至1985年1月18日,每週一至週五晚間20:00所播出的八點檔電視劇,全25集..本片曾於中國大陸播映,並有趙文卓、水靈、王艷、劉錫明主演的2000年翻拍版本《青河絕戀》(中視播出時片名為《新一剪梅》),而2009年則有霍建華主演的新版本《新一剪梅》。 製作人:夏璐華 執行製作:鄒筱痕 編劇:夏美華 編審:曲瑾生 戲劇指導:李泉溪 製作助理:彭朝敏、何琇瓊 外景拍攝:平振華、葛金鵬、甄健明、張克成 外景剪輯:白照國 技術指導:黃雁國 攝影:侯匡仁、劉辰章、吳明達、林文苑、古南淦、林忠仁 燈光:沈仁賢、楊啟佑 視訊:許澄源、袁德鄰 音訊:黃茂雄、塗能榮、張邦雄、盧日昌 錄影:張載湖、曹安靜、呂修身、陳允武、張敬德、陳俊明 化粧:張數珠、林麗卿、鄭阿滿 服裝:張國棟、賈蘭君 梳粧:李榮夫 美術指導:江憲正 武術指導:王圻生 音效指導:李林 助理導播:張玲惠、傅慧芬 現場指導:張家梁、夏咸欽、李迪捷 導播:陳正中、曾斐莉 曲序 曲目 作曲 作詞 演唱 1. 《一剪梅》(片頭曲) 陳怡 娃娃(陳玉貞) 費玉清 真情像草原廣闊, 層層風雨不能阻隔,總有雲開日出時候 ,萬丈陽光照亮你我, 真情像梅花開過, 冷冷冰雪不能掩沒, 就在最冷 枝頭綻放 ,看見春天,走向你我 雪花飄飄, 北風嘯嘯 , 天地一片蒼茫 , 一剪寒梅, 傲立雪中 ,只為伊人飄香 ,愛我所愛無怨無悔, 此情長留 心間, 雪花飄飄北風嘯嘯 天地一片蒼茫 一剪寒梅 傲立雪中 只為伊人飄香 愛我所愛無怨無悔 此情長留 心間

Sunday, September 9, 2018

談鬼說鬼話鬼 第12輯 /說錯話吸引了很多鬼回家中/女人在家打麻將遇到鬼/ 化妝師遇到鬼站在他旁邊觀看他化妝 /髮型師遇到鬼警告他/....etc... 恐怖怪異鬼談熱線 陳叔善主講

談鬼說鬼話鬼 第12輯 /說錯話吸引了很多鬼回家中/女人在家打麻將遇到鬼/ 化妝師遇到鬼站在他旁邊觀看他化妝 /髮型師遇到鬼警告他/....etc... 恐怖怪異鬼談熱線 陳叔善主講

White Marble Angel fish

One of the most popular tropical aquarium fish for fish lover, beautiful to watch my website my blogger

Yellow Cichlid

Yellow Cichlid is wonderful to watch my website my blogger

MIx Cichlid

It is nice to have a fish tank fill with different type of my opinion the more mix the more wonderful to watch. Because there are so so many different color of Cichlid..they really look great when they all swimming in the same tank together. my website my blogger

Another very charming and popular tropical fish for aquarium lovers the Cherry bark Fish

Another very charming and popular tropical fish for aquarium lovers the Cherry bark Fish my website my blogger

Saturday, September 8, 2018

Kissing Fish

This is one of the very popular tropical fish. When i was small i have them as pet, they are cool especially when i see them kissing each other with their mouth, so in HongKong they name this fish as Kissing Fish

my website

Black tip silver shark

This is one of the popular tropical fish you ever have them as pet? hope you will enjoy this video that i took for you , have a great day, take care
my website my blogger

Peacock Cichlid - topical fish

This is one of the different type of the Cichlid family...different. I like Cichlid but they are not community friendly fish, cannot mixed with other tropical fish thank you for watching Peter my website my blogger

Hundred of babies Molly fish mixed with tons of Big Molly fish

This is so wonderful to watch all this newly born molly fish swimming together with their parents in a fish tank. Usually one should remove them immediately before they get eaten by the adult molly fish Hope you enjoy this video and thank you for watching Peter my website my blogger

Live White Specter Crayfish/Freshwater Lobster - popular for aquarium fish lover - video Peter Suk Sin Chan

Hope you will enjoy this wonderful white crayfish or white freshwaer lobster video that i took
have a nice day
your blogger friend

my website

冬戀 みちづ れ 日本老歌 原唱歌手 牧村三枝子 陳叔善唱 Peter Suk Sin Chan sing

Hope you will enjoy me singing this popular old Mandarin song, music is from Japan later in Taiwan they use it and change it into Chinese lyric. both are wonderful to listen and both are great lyric.
Thank you for watching, have a nice day
from your blogger friend
Peter Suk Sin Chan

my website

我要對你說 陳叔善唱 Peter Suk Sin Chan sing

《我要對你說》這首歌,總共有兩個原唱人。一個是鄧麗君的女聲版,一個是萬沙浪的男聲版。當年兩人同為麗風唱片公司歌手. 作曲:古月 作词:庄奴 有誰能夠了解我,誰能了解我, 只有那春風知道我,知道我寂寞。 愛的樹、情的花,那一天才結果, 遠方有人在呼喚,不是呼喚我。 我要有人來愛我,有人來愛我, 夢幻的青春怕錯過,我要對你說。 愛的樹、情的花,那一天才結果, 遠方有人在呼喚,不是呼喚我呀呼喚我.。 愛的樹、情的花,那一天才結果, 遠方有人在呼喚,不是呼喚我呀呼喚我.。

thank you for watching, hope you will enjoy my singing
my website
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Top ten most popular tropical fish - Koi Fish

Hope you will enjoy this video that i took for you
have a great day
from your blogger friend
Peter Suk Sin Chan

my website