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Monday, August 6, 2018

My Guppy give birth brood of guppy fry - Ty to Raising new born guppy fry - by Peter Suk Sin Chan 陳叔善 guppy just give birth to many guppy fry...this is a special 20 gallons tank i use to keep the big female guppy when they ready to give birth to large brood of fry. As you can see there are some just newly growth up guppy fry and they try to eat the baby one... As soon as i see this, i had already remove those teenager guppy into my other guppy tank so they wont eat all the fry. But i still keep the female guppy there, because for my experience if i immediately put the female into the adult tank after she gave birth, She will be chasing by all the male guppy again to the point that sometimes they died, or they so tress and their body deformed i will keep her in the baby fry tank for few day when she totally recover and healthy again then i will put her back to the adult tank, just hope she wont eat all the fry....mmm..well i put lot of rocks, sand , water plants in this baby tank so there is plenty of area for the fry to hide... thank you for watching, hope you enjoy it, from your blogger friend Peter Suk Sin Chan I am a artist ( painter ). if you have time, welcome to visit my website my blogger

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