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Sunday, July 29, 2018

This is definately a very lonely fish. You can tell she is not in her best condition, all fans are in a close position.....sometimes it will be geat to have more than one fish in a fish tank for fish mostly are community fish they like to stick together

 If you want to start a saltwater tank, picking the first fish can be a challenge. keeping saltwater fish is more difficult than keeping freshwater fish.

thank you for watching
from your blogger friend

i am a artist ( painter ) if you have time, welcome to visit my website
my blogger

Saturday, July 28, 2018

Wow..what a cool number all 1 my main youtube account - views count 1111111

my youtube account

Wow..this fish is too huge for the tropical Fish Tank 熱帶魚

What a huge fish, definately not a community fish since her size is so huge, it will eat all other tiny fish. 熱帶魚, 出生于热带水域, 以其色彩斑斓的特点吸引众多人的目光 , 有观赏价值的鱼类品种, 好多人都喜歡觀賞熱帶魚, 真可令人一整天都看著魚缸. Thank you for watching, hope you will enjoy it I am a artist ( painter ) if you have time, welcome to visit my website my blogger

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

apricot 杏 by Peter Suk Sin Chan 陳叔善


ISIS claimed responsibility Wednesday for the Toronto mass shooting that killed two women, injured 13 others and left suspected gunman Faisal Hussain dead. The Canadian government continues to insist that the incident has “no connection … to national security.”
But the ISIS AMAQ propaganda organ says Hussain was one of theirs, “a soldier of the Islamic State [who] carried out the attack in response to calls to target the citizens of coalition countries.”
As Fox News reports, the statement is phrased in such a manner to suggest that Hussain viewed ISIS as his inspiration for the terrorist attack, not his direct commander.
AMAQ referred to a “security source” to back up its claim and did not provide any further evidence of collaboration.
Canadian officials and much of the mainstream media continues to ignore the terrorist angle in this story, insisting Hussain suffered from some form of mental illness. On Tuesday, Public Safety Minister Ralph Goodale reiterated this contention.
“At this stage, based on the state of the investigation, which is led by the Toronto police service, there is no connection between that individual and national security,” he told reporters.
Reports in the Toronto Sun, however, suggest that Hussain was indeed a security risk, whom police were monitoring because he “supported” pro-ISIS websites; had a history of violent altercations; was known to federal, provincial and city police; and had a murky past with residences reportedly in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

  2:07 PM 07/25/2018 David Krayden Bureau Chief

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Making myself a simple Hamburger 漢堡包 photo by Peter Suk Sin Chan 陳叔善

 well.. once in a while like to eat Hamburger, so i just make myself a very simple easy hamburger for meal..nothing fancy about it
wish you all a happy day
from your blogger friend

my website

Very Pretty and Cute Looking Sun Flower - photo by Peter Suk Sin Chan 陳叔善

There are many many Sun Flowers blooming in Toronto during the summer season, look very charming and nice...hope you all have a nice day
from your blogger friend

my website

Sunday, July 22, 2018

Nine people shot on the Danforth; Police say suspected shooter dead

Joshua Freeman,
Published Sunday, July 22, 2018 10:38PM EDT 
Last Updated Monday, July 23, 2018 12:04AM EDT
Nine people have been shot, including a young girl, and a suspected shooter is dead after gunfire erupted on The Danforth Sunday night.
Shots were fired in the area of Danforth and Logan avenues at around 10 p.m.
Toronto Paramedic Services said they were transporting eight people to hospital with a range of injuries, including one child.
Witnesses in the area said they heard anywhere between 10 and 20 shots being fired. Some said they saw a gunman dressed in black opening fire on people in the area. Witnesses also described seeing a number of people lying on the ground in the aftermath of the shooting.
Toronto police said a total of nine victims were shot, including a young girl.
Police said the suspected shooter is dead and is not included in the tally of those shot.
There is a heavy police presence at the scene and a large swath of the area has been blocked off as emergency crews respond to the situation.
Dozens of police officers, firefighters and paramedics are at the scene.
Police have provided few details so far but are appealing to all witnesses who were in the area to come forward. Investigators on scene said buses were waiting at Pape and Danforth avenues to transport witnesses to be interviewed.
The shooting happened on a warm summer night as hundreds of people were out on city streets enjoying the end of the weekend.

Polish Donut with plum sauce inside 波蘭甜甜圈 裡面有梅子醬 photo by Peter Suk Sin Chan 陳叔善

Freshly make Polish Donut with plum sauce
although it look kind of heavy but it is not as sweet as some other Donuts
Have a nice day, from your blogger friend

my wedsite

Saturday, July 21, 2018

Wow...very unique and attractive Blue color Salt Water Fish - video by Peter Suk Sin Chan

i found this blue color marine fish is so unique and great to watch so i filmed them and share it with all of  you  the fish lovers. Hope you will enjoy it, take care and have a great weekend
from your youtube friend
my wedsite

Beautiful Roses 玫瑰 photo by Peter Suk Sin Chan 陳叔善

Hope you all have a happy weekend
from your blogger friend

Friday, July 20, 2018

Summer Flower Peter Suk Sin Chan 陳叔善

Tons of variety of flowers is blooming in summer time, look cool
have a nice weekend, from your blogger friend

my wedsite

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Wow..A Huge and Unique Dry Tree or Root of the tree- photos by Peter Suk Sin Chan 陳叔善

Wow, this is definately one of the very unique huge dry tree or root of the tree
the gap was so wide that two or three people can easily walk right through it
Well, have  a nice,
from your blogger friend

my website

吞拿魚三文治 Tuna Fish Sandwich 平靚正快 煮食天地 弟37集 by Peter Suk Sin Chan 陳叔善

A very very easy, simple food that can be use as breakfast, lunch, meal or even need any cooking at all, try it, have a great day, thank you for watching , your blogger friend Peter my webiste =========

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

One of my favor fruit - Dragon Eye 龍眼 by Peter Suk Sin Chan 陳叔善

This is one of my favor fruits, come once in a year in summer time, taste sweet
Well, have a wonderful day, from your blogger friend

my website

Guppy, Guppy, many many guppy , wonderful to watch by Peter Suk Sin Chan 陳叔善

I hope you will enjoy this video that i took of this group of guppy fish, it is really wonderful to watch them. Have a great day from your blogger friend Peter my website =========

Monday, July 16, 2018

Sunday, July 15, 2018

是真是假.....信不信由你....北戴河会议 ? by Peter Suk Sin Chan 陳叔善

贸易战恐慌製造內部和外部分裂 和導致中國共產黨領導危機 ... 共產黨內部的反對派藉這件事

确定批x主题   ?    搞个人崇拜........造神愈演愈烈......开历史倒车....

討論回归集体领导..... 解决领导问题 ....老實人接班 ?


Beautiful Discus Fish - Must Watch by Peter Suk Sin Chan 陳叔善

I like Discus fish and in recent years there are so many different color Discus was avaliable and they are really great....Hope you will enjoy this video that i took for you of this beautiful Discus fish, thank you for watching
From your blogger friend

my website

Stone Lion 石獅子 by Peter Suk Sin Chan 陳叔善

My website

是風暴. 也許只是疏疏落落的雨? by Peter Suk Sin Chan 陳叔善

华主席 (华国锋認錯 )...央視黑影男人....WTO重新評估......是撥墨姑娘不是撥墨畫.......

Saturday, July 14, 2018

Make a new friend in Whitby by Peter Suk Sin Chan 陳叔善

hi, few days ago, i went to Whitby , Ontario, Canada which is a small city about 49 kilometer away from downtown Toronto. by the time i reach Whitby is already 4 pm i havent eat anything today, and in the nearby shopping plaza there is a oriental restaurant which serve both Chinese and Japanese food. Off course since it is in the area where most resident are Westerner so they special target them as their main customers. I order spring rolls and the crispy beef , i love deep fry food .

Then the owner of this place is a manin his mid thirty , he is  friendly come sit in next table besides and talk with me. He came from China few years ago and open up this place with his wife. He told me there is not much Chinese live in this city.... well, happy to  make a new friend today

well, wish you all a happy weekend, take care
from your blogger friend

Friday, July 13, 2018

Penalties for allowing Bears to access attratants, such as Garbage, Fruits, Dog food...etc

In the first five months of the year, the City of Coquitlam has already issued hundreds of warnings and five dozen tickets to residents leaving bear attractants lying around.
A city spokesperson told CTV News so far this year urban wildlife bylaw officers had issued 339 warnings to those living in bear-prone areas as of this week.
Allowing bears to access attractants, such as garbage, fruit, dog food and compost comes with a $500 fine. So far, 62 such penalties have been issued.
Officials have responded to more than 250 bear-related calls.
For comparison, there were 85 tickets issued around this time last year, and 386 warnings. The city said it wasn't ready to say people are getting the message, but that there were signs of improvement when compared to 2017.
This year, wildlife officers will also be applying stickers to any unsecure garbage or green bins put out prior to 5:30 a.m. on collection days.
The stickers advise homeowners they've violated bylaw 4679, and that a $500 fine is pending. Officers will then write in the date and time of the alleged violation.
CTV reached out to the city after a Facebook post directed to the mayor flagged an incident in the Chineside neighbourhood. The post by Yanny Ong to Richard Stewart showed a bear eating what appeared to be raw meat.
Ong told CTV News she and her husband spotted the bear eating what appeared to be a whole, raw chicken carcass in her backyard. She took video of the bear and reported the sighting through the provincial hotline.
She said the bruin likely found its snack in a neighbour's garbage can, though it was not collection day in their area.
"We need to take responsibility for the wildlife that we cohabitate with and we need to make sure we can live safely with them for both our sakes," she said.
Ong said her neighbours moved to the Lower Mainland last fall and may not have lived in an area with potential bear encounters in the past. She said she'd give them a heads-up about the city's strict wildlife-related policies.
The city spokesperson said she'd not heard of the specific incident, but that it served as a reminder to the public that bears are out of hibernation and looking for food.
Those living in any area black bears are known to frequent are reminded to keep garbage and compost securely stored at all times. Attractants like pet food, bird feeders and ripe fruit from fruit trees should not be accessible to wildlife, and barbecues should be kept clean.
The city overhauled its collection schedule earlier this year to help cut down on conflicts with bears, so areas most likely to have encounters are serviced first.
More information on wildlife management, and the possible penalties for not managing waste correctly, is available on the city's website.
Last year, the number of bear sightings in the first six months was three times higher than the norm for the Lower Mainland. The vast majority of the 2,000 reports filed by late June were related to garbage.
Conservation officers say this year's number of bear-human encounters is down slightly compared to last, but that staff still receive more than a dozen calls a day. They've had to put down more than 10 black bears already this year, and most could have been avoided if people had been more careful.
"A lot of times, it's problem humans as opposed to problem bears," said field officer Nicole Caithness.
"Human behaviour directly leads to poor bear behaviour, because they are incredibly intelligent and curious animals and they're very food driven."

With files from CTV Vancouver's Sheila Scott and Ben Miljure
Kendra  Mangione  Web Journalist / Digital Content Editor, CTV Vancouver

    Thursday, July 12, 2018

    Nice Yellow Daisy Flower by Peter Suk Sin Chan 陳叔善

    The Daisy flower is not as pretty and smell great as Peony or Roses, but it had its own charm and pretty, very comfortable and pleasant to look
    wish you all have a great day
    from your blogger friend, Peter

    Threat of vehicle ramming attack near CN Tower prompted increase in police presence: source

    Threat of vehicle ramming attack near CN Tower prompted increase in police presence: source

    The threat of a potential vehicle ramming attack in the area of the CN Tower prompted police to increase their presence at a number of tourist locations across the Greater Toronto Area, according to a Toronto police document obtained by Global News.
    The document states that Toronto police received “credible information” about a potential attack on Wednesday to be carried out the following day.
    The police memo said it “has not received any information regarding a specific criminal extremist threat to the City of Toronto.”
    It further stated that “a heightened vigilance in these areas for suspicious behaviour, including pre-incident indicators, may deter criminal and extremist activity.”

    Web Producer  Global News
    David Shum

    Marine Salt Water Fish - always nice to watch by Peter Suk Sin Chan 陳叔善

    Marine Salt Water Fish - always nice to watch

    Marine fish are most unique and colorful fish, hope you enjoy this video that i took
    have a great day,
    from your blogger friend

    Tuesday, July 10, 2018

    Cactus 仙人掌 by Peter Suk Sin Chan 陳叔善

    My friend's Cactus had give many little baby Cactus so he gave me some to growth, i like it, they look so funny and the green color is great, at first i thought they are not their real original green color but my friend told me that it is their real green color...nice

    well, have a wonderful day to all my blogger friend, from Peter

    my website

    Monday, July 9, 2018

    A Large Tropical Fish - wonderful to look at by Peter Suk Sin Chan 陳叔善

    A Large Tropical Fish - wonderful to look at

    hi, i hope you will enjoy this video that i took for you about this large tropical fish, look so cool
    have a nice day, 
    from your blogger friend..Peter

    my website

    Friday, July 6, 2018

    Hen- of- the -wood : Grifola Frondosa ? Mushroom by Peter Suk Sin Chan 陳叔善

    Today i saw this growth on the base of a huge huge thousand years old tree, it been cut down but this ( may be i am not sure - Hen of the wood Grifola Frondosa )still growthing from the base of the i took this video and show it to you , hope you will enjoy it too, thank you for watching from Peter 今天我看到一棵千年樹, 它被切切斷削減了, 但這種蘑菇仍然從樹的基部生長....令人驚喜有趣!

    my website

    蘑菇, 菌 .. Hen-of-the-wood ? by Peter Suk Sin Chan 陳叔善

    This is so cool, may be it is  the so called  Hen-of-the-wood
    Grifola frondosa is a polypore mushroom that grows in clusters at the base of trees, particularly oaks. The mushroom is commonly known among English speakers as hen of the woods, hen-of-the-woods, ram's head and sheep's head. Wikipedia
     Grifola frondosa

    Thursday, July 5, 2018

    Heat wave: 33 Quebecers have died, 18 in Montreal, health officials say


    As Environment Canada issued a smog and heat warning for the Montreal area Thursday, the number of potential deaths linked to the extreme heat wave hitting the province jumped to 33, Quebec public health officials said.
    Of these, 18 died in Montreal from heat-related complications, up from 12 a day earlier; Montérégie had two deaths, the Eastern Townships had seven, Laval one and Mauricie five.
    Most of the victims were men between the ages of 50 and 85 who lived alone in “heat islands” in high-rise apartments with no air conditioning, or suffered from chronic health or precarious living conditions, including homelessness, mental health issues and substance use.
    Even one death is too many, said Lucie Charlebois, the provincial public health minister, at a press conference Thursday. But some people are more vulnerable than others to extreme heat and smog, she said.
    Charlebois defended the province’s emergency approach in the face of record-breaking temperatures.
    None of the deaths occurred in a public long-term care nursing home, a centre d’hébergement et de soins de longue durée or in a hospital. Those who died were already suffering from health problems, she said.
    Montreal’s civil protection agency door-to-door campaign visited more than 3,400 homes. Urgences-Santé logged 30 per cent more calls for help since the weekend. It responded to more than 1,200 calls and dispatched 695 ambulances.
    “We’re doing the best we can,” Charlebois said. “All deaths are regrettable. We’d like to have no deaths at all, but every day people die.”
    As for patients in hospitals and palliative care centres who are being told to bring their own fans, Charlebois said provisions have been made to move them into cooler common areas with air conditioning for a couple of hours a day to minimize the impact of the heat.
    A 10-year plan to improve older, dilapidated facilities is now underway, Charlebois said. “But nothing can be done in 10 minutes.”
    Meanwhile, everything is being done to ensure the comfort of patients and workers in health facilities without air conditioning, she said.
    The criticism from the Coalition Avenir Québec and Parti Québécois Wednesday that her government failed to respond quickly enough to the heat wave, for example, by putting cooling units in every facility, “is indecent,” Charlebois said. The opposition is playing petty politics on the backs of the most vulnerable segment of the population, she said.
    According to Dr. Mylène Drouin, head of the regional health authority, the extreme heat intervention plan was launched a day early because of a spike in visits to hospital emergency rooms. However, until the provincial coroner investigates, it will be difficult to say with certainty what caused the current wave of deaths, she added.
    It’s not clear why Quebec seems to have had more deaths than provinces like Ontario, which is also in the grip of extreme heat and humidity. Quebec remains vigilant about recording heat-related deaths, but other provinces may have different reporting systems, Drouin said.
    But those most at risk include the elderly and individuals with health conditions who are living in inner-city hot spots — areas with lots of asphalt and little vegetation. These heat islands can register temperatures five to 10 degrees higher than at the Dorval weather station, she said.
    Floods, tornados, heat waves and extreme cold in winter are only expected to become more common, Drouin said. “Because we know that the vulnerable population has the most difficulties, we have to work on social determinants (of health) to lower poverty and make sure that those people have the resources to adapt to extreme events.”
    The temperature in Montreal reached a high of 34 degrees Celsius on Thursday with a humidex value of 43 C, according to Environment Canada.
    The heat wave is expected to break overnight Thursday to Friday.
    Dr. Horacio Arruda, assistant deputy minister of health and social services, said warning signs of dehydration include dry skin and lips, fatigue, headaches, dizziness, dark urine and sunken eyes. Individuals should drink six to eight glasses of water per day, avoid alcoholic beverages, spend about two hours in a cool, air-conditioned environment and limit physical activities.