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Friday, June 22, 2018

葡萄成熟時 Mini Concert June 10, 2018 ( Fifth Song ) 陳叔善 ( (陳蘭麗 原唱)

葡萄成熟時 Mini Concert June 10, 2018 ( Fifth Song ) 陳叔善 ( (陳蘭麗 原唱)

4 days before this mini concert, i was so well prepare and in a good condition, suddenly i lost my voice... not because of stress, nor nervous, or over just come suddenly...but finally i was able to get my voice back however , it is not hundred recover and it still affecting my singing. Due to this reason, i had to cancel one song - the organizer want me to sing 6 songs but i cant for if i force myself to sing, the result will be very bad. 葡萄成熟時 陳叔善 Peter sing popular old mandarin song ( (陳蘭麗 原唱) 陳叔善 湯尼 新芒

一時的離別 用不著悲哀 短暫的寂寞 更需要忍耐 將滿懷希望 寄託於未來 用滿面笑容 愉快地等待 金色的陽光 要我把頭抬 溫馨的和風 替我把路開 親親喲親親 親親喲親親 別後多珍重 葡萄成熟時 我一定回來 一時的離別 用不著悲哀 短暫的寂寞 更需要忍耐 將滿懷希望 寄託於未來 用滿面笑容 愉快地等待 金色的陽光 要我把頭抬 溫馨的和風 替我把路開 親親喲親親 親親喲親親 別後多珍重 葡萄成熟時 我一定回來

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