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Sunday, May 27, 2018

甜酸齋 - ( 齋鹵味 -酸甜齋 ) 平靚正快 煮食天地 陳叔善 弟32集

Hope you will try to do this dish, is so simple and easy, just like 1....2....3....4....5...
Also once a while eat some vegetable dishes without meat is good for  your health and cause less killing on animal

take care and thank you for watching, hope you will try to cook this dish after  you watch this cooking video episode 32

have a great day, from your blogger friend

My website

Friday, May 25, 2018

City of Mississauga restaurant blast - Ontario, Canada

Sometime i do go with friends or family members to eat Indian food once a while....... from now on had to be very careful...
take care
your blogger friend

" Fifteen people injured in an explosion inside an Indian restaurant in Mississauga, Ont. have been released from hospital as police continue to search for two masked men who fled the scene.

Police have not made any arrests in connection with the blast at Bombay Bhel restaurant late on Thursday. Three people suffered critical injuries in the blast, and 12 others sustained smaller shrapnel injuries.

Both the mayor of Mississauga and the city’s chief of police say the investigation is in its infancy, and they have no reason to believe the attack was a hate crime or an act of terrorism. "

CTV news

Friday, May 18, 2018

Trump tells North Korea’s Kim Jong-un to denuclearize or risk being overthrown

Trump tells North Korea’s Kim Jong-un to denuclearize or risk being overthrownEVAN VUCCI/THE CANADIAN PRESS
U.S. President Donald Trump laid out a stark choice for North Korea’s Kim Jong-un ahead of their planned summit next month: Abandon nuclear weapons and be rewarded with “protections,” or risk being overthrown and possible death if the arsenal remains.
Trump maintained the scheduled June 12 meeting in Singapore is on track, despite the North’s threat Wednesday to cancel over concerns about the U.S. push to see the complete denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula.
The North has argued it needs its nuclear weapons to preserve its security, and has expressed concerns about giving up its nuclear program. The North cites the example of former Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi, who died at the hands of rebel forces amid a popular uprising in October 2011; he had given up his nuclear program in the 2000s.
National Security Adviser John Bolton explicitly cited “the Libya model of 2003-2004” as a basis for the North Korea talks last month, which drew personal rebuke from the North Korean government Wednesday.
Trying to address the North Korean concerns, the president said if Kim were to agree to denuclearize, “he’ll get protections that would be very strong.”
But Trump warned that failure to make a deal could have grave consequences for Kim. Mentioning what happened in Libya, Trump said, “That model would take place if we don’t make a deal.”

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

牛肉麵 平靚正快 煮食天地 陳叔善 弟32集

牛肉麵 平靚正快 煮食天地 陳叔善 弟32集

my website

My friends asked is this is me ? This is not me even though he is using my full English name so pay attention and be careful.... 我的朋友們問我這是不是我???......這不是我..他使用我英語的全名字...請小心注意

My friends asked is this is me ? This is not me even though he is using my full English name so pay attention and be careful.... 我的朋友們問我這是不是我???......這不是我..他使用我英語的全名字...請小心注意 ( 尤其格外特別是他用英語姓氏 Chan ( 陳)... 但他中語姓名使用 ( 張 Cheung ) 顯而易見非常欺騙性的

Saturday, May 12, 2018

韋秀嫻老師請我們吃晚餐 by Peter Suk Sin Chan 陳叔善

 ( 香港著名花腔女高音有百靈烏之稱的歌唱家韋秀嫻老師 ) Enjoying a causal dinner with my Singing Teacher- The well known Hong Kong Song Bird since the mid 50's- Winnie Wei Sau Han...Tonight Teacher Wei Buy us the dinner

Thursday, May 10, 2018

Thousands ordered out as part of B.C.'s southern Interior affected by flooding

VANCOUVER -- Nearly 2,700 people have been ordered to evacuate their homes in British Columbia's southern Interior as officials warn of flooding due to extremely heavy snowpacks, sudden downpours and unseasonably warm temperatures.

Chris Marsh, emergency operations centre director and program manager for the Regional District of Kootenay Boundary, said there has been "significant flooding" in the eastern area of the region.
"Over the last 24 to 36 hours we've experienced significant rainfall, up to 50 millimetres in some spots and in some of the drainages in this area, and that's caused the rivers to rise significantly over the past 24 hours," Marsh said Thursday.

Frances Maika of the regional district said the flood is "in the range" of a once in a 200 year occurrence.
Evacuation orders were issued Thursday for the about 1,500 properties covering a large area along the Granby, Kettle and West Kettle rivers, as well as in the Carmi region, 80 kilometres southeast of Kelowna.
Marsh said there have been washouts on smaller streams and tributaries in the region as well, isolating residents on some properties.
Marsh said they expected water levels to peak Thursday evening, adding that different parts of the district could see bodies of water swell between 30 and 100 centimetres.
"If you are thinking you're safe because you haven't flooded before, but you are seeing the water come up, please make sure you're safe and that you make the decision timely enough to evacuate yourself if you need to."
Jessica Mace of the Kettle River Watershed Authority said volunteers arrived in downtown Grand Forks from across the area to help business owners and residents.
"It's been truly amazing," she said. "I was just downtown and there are tons of people down there helping all the businesses sand bag their places as best they can."
Mace and Maika said volunteers had filled almost 30,000 of the 120,000 sandbags that went out.
"Many businesses are starting to donate food," said Mace. "People are very happy to see food show up."
Residents under evacuation order are being directed to reception centres in Grand Forks and Midway, but Maika said the surge of water should pass quickly.
"In the next 24 hours, we are going to see the peak in some areas but then people have to respond to what has happened. The recovery is going to be an active process," she said.
By Spencer Harwood and Beth Leighton in Vancouver

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Sunday, May 6, 2018

Nice Photos of the early spring in Canada, North America by Peter Suk Sin Chan 陳叔善

To most of my blogger friend, spring most likely already gone in your country, but just about one week ago we are in the early part of our spring season. I went out took some photos to show you they look so unique and cool, hope you will like this photo, well, thank you for visiting, have a wonderful day, take care and keep in touch, your blogger friend Peter

my website

Saturday, May 5, 2018

Wow..strong wind blow up the whole big tall tree by Peter Suk Sin Chan 陳叔善

Ha...i took this photo today to show you how strong the wind was yesterday, this huge tall tree get blow right up from ground by the strong so so cool...thanks God, no one was hurt or cause any damage

my website

Friday, May 4, 2018

EXTREME DANGER WIND today in Toronto

Dangerously high winds, up to 90 kilometres per hour........ power outages affecting hundred and thousands residents in Toronto....The wind conditions also cause a full ground stop at Pearson Airport........but finally it is calming down now.... good ! ( well, honestly speaking the huge wind was fun for when i go outside today it almost blow me away..that feel so cool, so fun.... feel like a kid again.  )

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Very cute and funny looking Marine Salt Water Fish by Peter Suk Sin Chan 陳叔善

Hope you will enjoy this video that i took for you
have a wonderful day
keep in touch
thank you
from your blogger friend  - Peter

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