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Friday, September 8, 2023

Happy Gathering!

Hi, I am a artist, if you have time, welcome to visit my Painting website


Thursday, September 7, 2023

Beautiful Art Work at the ROM

Hi, I am a artist, if you have time, please visit my Painting website:


I think this is a incredible piece of art work. Look at the Buddha he is looking right at you even you move to different angle
很高興去參觀皇家安大略博物館 第 12 部分 D
Always nice to visit ROM. Part 12 D
Beautiful Art -This is really a blessing to see such a beautiful piece of art work still keep nicely! ..... Really happy indeed, If it is in Red China, it will definately be destroyed during the culture revolution

Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Beautiful Art - ROM

Hi, I am a artist, if you have time, please visit my painting websit ;


很高興去參觀皇家安大略博物館 第 12 部分 C
Always nice to visit ROM. Part 12 C
Beautiful Buddha Status
This is really a blessing to see such a beautiful piece of art work still keep nicely! ..... Really happy indeed, If it is in Red China, it will definately be destroyed during the culture revolution

Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Beautiful Budda Status.....美麗的佛像狀態 Peter Suk Sin Chan

Hi, I am a artist, if you have time, welcome to visit my Painting website

 很高興去參觀皇家安大略博物館 第 12 部分 B

Always nice to visit ROM. Part 12 B
Beautiful Buddha Status
This is really a blessing to see such a beautiful piece of art work still keep nicely! ..... Really happy indeed, If it is in Red China, it will definately be destroyed during the culture revolution

美麗的佛像....Beautiful Buddha Status

Hi, I am a artist,if you have time, welcome to visit my painting website


Beautiful Buddha Status
This is really a blessing to see such a beautiful piece of art work still keep nicely! ..... Really happy indeed, If it is in Red China, it will definately be destroyed during the culture revolution

Monday, September 4, 2023

My art work that i did of the Mummy for a art course at the Royal Ontario Museum 25 years ago.Facing the dead mummy for many hours! 25 年前我在皇家安大略博物館藝術課面對死去的木乃伊好幾個小時創作的木乃伊藝術作品

My painting website address:

My art work that i did of the Mummy for a art course at the Royal Ontario Museum 25 years ago . facing the dead mummy for many hours! 25 年前我在皇家安大略博物館藝術課面對死去的木乃伊好幾個小時創作的木乃伊藝術作品
Mummy 木乃伊
很高興去參觀皇家安大略博物館 第 111部分
Always nice to visit ROM. part 11
25 年前我在皇家安大略博物館 (ROM) 參加了繪畫和素描課程。其中一個主題是埃及,所以教授帶我們去埃及館畫素描,但這對我來說是一個新事物,因為它不是繪畫或素描,而是用尖刀在畫上划痕……真的很酷,很獨特。這是我在埃及大廳完成的藝術作品。教授看到我的作品後,他的眼睛和嘴巴張得大大的,只是告訴我一定要拿下這件藝術作品並為它找到一個最好的框架......所以這就是我為我的這件藝術作品選擇的。這是我第一次使用這種材料,很可能也是最後一次.....我是一個非常快樂和積極的人。儘管面對死去的木乃伊這麼長時間,但我還是選擇表現他榮耀和美麗的一面。當我完成我的藝術作品後,我的教授真的很驚訝並且喜歡它。因為我在我的藝術作品中再次展現了古埃及木乃伊的榮耀和美麗!...教授告訴我一定要找到一個最好的框架來裝框並妥善保存它
About 25 years ago, I took a drawing and sketching course at the Royal Ontario Museum (ROM ). One of the subject is Egypt so professor took us to the Egyptian Hall to do sketching but is a new thing for me, because it is not drawing or sketching, it is using a point knife to scratch a painting...really cool and unique. And Here is my finished art work right at the Egyptian Hall. Professor after seeing my work, his eye and mouth is wide open, just telling me make sure i take this art work and find a best frame for this is what i chose for this art work of mine. This is first time i used this material and most likely also the last time.....I am a very happy and positive person. Even though facing with the dead Mummy for so long hours, but i chose to do the glory and beauty side of him. After i finished my art work, my professor really surprise and love it. Because i bring bakc the glory and beauty of the Ancient Egypian Mummy once again in my art work....And Professor told me make sure find a best frame to frame it and keep it nicely