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Saturday, January 29, 2022

老照片和舊回憶- Old Photo- Old Memory - Thunder Bay, Ontario ,Canada 陳叔善 Peter Suk Sin Chan ( Peter Chan )


老照片和舊回憶- Old Photo- Old Memory

大學朋友Mark邀請我去他在 Thunder Bay 的家和度假小屋過感恩節. Mark不是我同班的同學, 他是在大學牙科學院上學. 我是大學世界歷史和國際政治學院雙學位上學 .Mark 的父親是 Thunder Bay一所高中的校長, 一個非常友好的人.他帶我去他們的度假小屋,特地去為我做了一隻特別的燒烤豬吃
University friend Mark invited me to his home and cottage for Thanks Giving Weekend in Thunder Bay. Mark is not my classmate ,he studied in Faculty of Dentestry. I studied double major in World History and International Politics. Mark's father is the headmaster of a high school in thunder bay, a very friendly person. He took me to their cottage and specially make a BBQ pig for me to eat.

Friday, January 28, 2022

去地中海餐廳吃午飯 - " 探店食嘢 " 一個人到處吃飯" 第122集 陳叔善 Peter Suk Sin Chan ( Peter Chan )


thank you for visiting my blogger, have a nice day

tonight here in Toronto, Canada is -30, very very cold

take care

from your blogger friend

  陳叔善   Peter Suk Sin Chan ( Peter Chan )

Thursday, January 27, 2022

A very Cold winter day in downtown Toronto, because of the wind factor.


去了多倫多市中心,儘管只有零下-3但由於風因素非常非常冷,感覺就像天氣預報一樣 -16 ( 上週我們有暴風雪,但一點也不冷,因為沒有風因素)

Went to down town Toronto, even though only -3 ,but very very cold due to the wind factor, feel like -16  exactly what weather report said. ( last week we have snow storm but not that cold at all because there is no wind factor )

Sunday, January 23, 2022

Friday, January 21, 2022

去吃越南菜- 特色越南牛肉河粉, 無味精純天然 | 湯味清甜 - " 探店食嘢 " 一個人到處吃飯" 第120集 陳叔善 Peter Suk Sin Chan ( Peter Chan )


Winter time is good to have some Vietnamese Noodle Soup, keep you feel warm...

thank you for visiting my blogger

have a nice day

from your blogger friend

陳叔善   Peter Suk Sin Chan ( Peter Chan )

Wednesday, January 19, 2022

去吃韓國料理- 小菜韓式涼拌黃豆芽,韓式涼拌蓮藕 & 韓式石鍋拌飯 - " 探店食嘢 " 一個人到處吃飯" 第122集 陳叔善 Peter Suk Sin Chan ( Peter Chan )


Now is winter time, good idea to go out for a Korean meal. We did not order Korean BBQ today, because we already have a late lunch....thank you for visiting my blogger, have a good day

from your blogger friend

陳叔善   Peter Suk Sin Chan ( Peter Chan )

2022最新- 多倫多退回到第2階段封城狀態semi-lockdown帶新移民去加拿大第2大購物中心看現在的情況 -陳叔善 Peter Suk Sin Chan ( Peter Chan )

 we are now in a semi lockdown for three weeks, and the chance of reopening up again early next week is very high, that is good.  this video show you  how the semi lockdown look like in a shopping mall here in Ontario, Canada.

Have a nice day, thank you for visiting my blogger

from  your blogger friend

陳叔善   Peter Suk Sin Chan ( Peter Chan )

Saturday, January 15, 2022

去吃" 肉絲炒麵" 酒樓味道 , ( 東 )东北地道家常 " 酸菜白肉 " 軟爛鮮香夠地道,- 探店食嘢 " 一個人到處吃飯 " 第116集 陳叔善 ( Peter Chan ) 酸白菜


Today our temperature with wind factor feel like -30 degree

hope you all have a nice day, take care and keep in touch

from your blogger friend

 陳叔善 Peter Suk Sin Chan ( Peter Chan )

老照片和舊回憶- 陳叔善 Peter Suk Sin Chan ( Peter Chan )

 老照片和舊回憶- 很多年前, 當我年輕時候做進出口貿易,我帶著我父母的美國大客人遊覽北京和中國的一些省份, 這是萬里長城, 後面黑色商務套裝的人是北京安排我們的特別導遊...這是一次非常愉快和成功的旅行 ( 他們不僅僅是客戶,更是朋友 )

Old Photos & Old Memories -Many years ago when i was young doing import & export trading business, i took my parent's USA big customer for a tour visit Beijing - photo taken in The Famous Great Wall China & the people in black suits behind is our special guides from Beijing ) we also visit couple other Chinese provinces as was a very happy and successful trip .( they are more friend than just customers )

Thursday, January 13, 2022

Old Photo- 陳叔善 Peter Suk Sin Chan ( Peter Chan )

 老照片——我大學的朋友 Kevin, 邀請我去他家慶祝我的生日, 他知道我喜歡 Carrot Cake (紅蘿蔔蛋糕),所以他讓他的妻子為我做一個自製的紅蘿蔔蛋糕,非常好又好吃,我喜歡。 ( 這照片是我們畢業十多年後的照片, 當時我們已經不再年輕......老朋友,舊時光,舊回憶,時光飛逝如夢似幻 )

Old photo- my friend Kevin from university ( University of Western Ontario UWO now is Western University ) , he invited me to his home to celebrate my birthday, he know i love Carrot cake, so he ask his wife to make one for me, very tasty and good home make Carrot cake, i love it. ( this photo taken more than ten years after…
See more

Monday, January 10, 2022

多倫多密西沙加市 " 小炒屋 " 吃 " 炒米粉" & "咕噜肉 - "探店食嘢 " 一個人到處吃飯" 第111集 陳叔善 Peter Suk Sin Chan


Wish everybody have a nice day, take care and keep in touch

thank you for visiting my blogger

from your blogger friend

  陳叔善   Peter Suk Sin Chan  ( Peter Chan )

Thursday, January 6, 2022

Went out for a small meal - 陳叔善 Peter Suk Sin Chan ( Peter Chan )

外面是-6,但因為有風寒的因素,感覺像-12, 可能是因為天冷,所以點的菜都是油炸的, 我知道不是那麼健康,但它們很好吃送飯 ( 下飯 )....嗯..還不錯,再過三個月,春天就到了..
Outside is -6 but with the wind chil factor it feel like -12, may be because of the cold, so order all the dishes are deep fry items, i know is not that healthy but they are tasty! ..well..not bad, three more months, spring will be here!

Sunday, January 2, 2022

多倫多密西沙加市吃 " 印度華人客家菜 " 辣椒雞,满洲鸡,客家人印度辛苦打拼百多年,海外華人已经来到印度300年 - 探店食嘢 "一個人到處吃飯" 第108集 (Peter Chan )


Thank you for visiting my blogger, today i show you a video of  Chinese Hakka Indian food that i ate at a local restaurant . The Chinese Hakka Indian food is becoming very popular in my city, before only couple restaruants, but for the past 5 years, it have at least 9 more i discovered.  

Wish you all a very happy 2022, 

keep in touch, from your blogger friend

 陳叔善   Peter Suk Sin Chan ( Peter Chan )