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Wednesday, July 1, 2020

新聞消息: 英國首相宣布中共違反中英聯合聲明, 英國宣佈給予300萬香港人 英國護照

天保佑香港.. 加油!
新聞消息: 英國首相宣布中共違反中英聯合聲明, 英國宣佈給予300萬香港人 英國護照
英国首相鲍里斯·约翰逊:“《国家安全法》的颁布明显违反了《中英联合声明》。” “我们明确表示,如果中国继续沿着这条道路前进,我们将为香港的BNO护照持有者建立一条取得英国公民身份的清晰途径,我们会的!授予香港公民在英國居住,工作,學習的權
U.K. extends immigration rights for 3 million eligible Hong Kongers
BBC政治事务编辑昆斯伯格:英国首相约翰逊向下议院确认,将扩大英国国民(海外)在英国逗留权限至可以工作,學習,和居留,并最终可申请成为英国公民。目前有35万人持有BN(O)护照,另有250万人拥有该身份。"We will grant BNOs five years limited leave to remain, with the right to work or study. After these 5 years, they will be able to apply for settled status. And after further 12 months with settled status, they will be able to apply for citizenship."
London had promised that if China pushed through the legislation, it would allow people with British National Overseas status to come to the UK to live, work and, eventually apply for citizenship. “That is precisely what we will do now,” Johnson told parliament.
BREAKING: The UK will offer a path to citizenship for eligible Hong Kong residents as it condemned China's new security law.
The imposition of this law "constitutes a clear and serious breach of the Sino-British joint declaration," PM Boris Johnson said.
London (CNN)The United Kingdom said Wednesday it would offer a path to citizenship for eligible Hong Kong residents and condemned China's new security law as a threat to the city's freedom.
Prime Minister Boris Johnson said Wednesday his government will honor its promise to British National Overseas passport holders.
Speaking during Prime Minister Questions, Johnson said: "The enactment and imposition of this national security law constitutes a clear and serious breach of the Sino-British joint declaration.
"It violates Hong Kong's high degree of autonomy and is in direct conflict with Hong Kong basic law.
"The laws also threatens the freedoms and rights protected by the joint declaration.
"We made clear that if China continue down this path we would introduce a new route for those with British National Overseas status to enter the UK, granting them limited leave to remain with the ability to live and work in the UK and thereafter to apply for British citizenship -- and that is precisely what we will do now."
Dominic Raab has just declared that the National Security Law represents a violation of the Sino-British Joint Declaratio

You, 彭耀階, Iris Fung and 5 others


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