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Friday, April 27, 2018

Tropical Fish - wonderful to watch

i just enjoy watching fish swimming up and down, so fun, so full of energy and unique
hope you enjoy this video that i took for you
thank you for watching
have a nice weekend
from Peter

my official website

Monday, April 23, 2018

Deadly van 'attack' not part of organized terror plot, say government officials ??? Please Judge yourself on this incident

Deadly van 'attack' not part of organized terror plot, say government officials
Police confirm nine dead, 16 injured after van strikes pedestrians along Yonge St.
Peter Zimonjic · CBC News · Posted: Apr 23, 2018 4:51 PM ET | Last Updated: 20 minutes ago

Government officials briefed on Monday's deadly van attack in Toronto say the incident is not associated with an organized terrorist group and does not represent a larger threat to national security.
The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak publicly about the ongoing investigation.
CBC News has confirmed that the man arrested after a rental van rammed a number of pedestrians near a busy intersection in Toronto is Alek Minassian, 25, of Richmond Hill. According to his LinkedIn page he's a student as Seneca College.
Public Safety Minister Ralph Goodale said in a press conference soon after the attack that he had no evidence to suggest Canada's national threat level needed to be raised.
"There is no information available to me at the present time that would indicate a change in the risk level," Goodale told reporters in Toronto, where he is attending the G7 foreign and security ministers meeting.
During his press conference, Goodale said he could not state whether the incident was being treated as a terror attack.
Shortly after Goodale spoke, Toronto police confirmed that nine people had been killed and another 16 were injured in the incident.



一位民眾謝克(Ali Shaker)當時駕車經過附近,他說兇嫌時速約50公里,見人就撞,非常可怕。另一位目擊者祖洛(Phil Zullo)表示,兇嫌開著一部萊德(Ryder)公司的租賃車輛行兇,所經之處,死傷枕藉。警方表示,當時這輛車衝上人行道,連撞數名行人後逃逸,案發現場綿延約1.6公里。肇事車輛隨後被找到,駕車者被逮捕,目前尚不清楚他的做案動機。7國集團(G7)的外長正在多倫多集會,但是當局並未收到任何攻擊威脅的警訊。
案發地點主要是央街(Yonge Street)與芬奇大道(Finch Avenue)交叉口 ,平日相當繁忙。案發當時天氣溫暖,許多上班族在街邊的廣場上用餐,沒想到會遇上橫禍。
The Storm Media

Terrorist Attack in Toronto 恐怖襲擊多倫多

A van ran down pedestrians along Yonge St. between Finch and Sheppard Aves. on Monday afternoon, killing nine and wounding more.

A white van ran down pedestrians along Yonge St. between Finch and Sheppard Aves. on Monday afternoon, killing nine. Here’s what we know and don’t know:
How many people have died?
Nine people have died so far after being hit by a van that drove on the sidewalk around 1:30 p.m. Sunnybrook hospital says it has received 10 patients from the scene: two were without vital signs and pronounced dead upon arriving to hospital; five patients are in critical condition; two are in serious condition; and one is in fair condition. North York General Hospital says it received four patients: one in critical and three in stable condition.
How many people in total were hit by the vehicle?
Police said a white van mounted the curb south of Finch, and struck pedestrians along the sidewalk, heading south on Yonge St. The specific number of pedestrians that were hit is unconfirmed, but police said a total of 16 people are injured and are in hospital.
Who is the suspect?
Police said they have arrested a suspect. That person’s identity has not been confirmed.
What area is closed off to the public?
The scene stretches for several blocks from Finch Ave. south to Sheppard Ave. Toronto police said they expect investigators to be on scene for several days. People weren’t allowed to cross Yonge St. from Cummer Ave. to the north and Sheppard Ave. to the south.
Police are also planning on closing roads surrounding the Air Canada Centre to create the safest possible environment for fans watching the Toronto Maple Leafs game on Monday night in Maple Leaf Square.
York St. will be closed both ways between Front St. to Harbord St. Bremner Blvd. will also be closed both ways from Lower Simcoe St. to York St. Southbound Bay St. will also be shut down from Front St. W. to Lake Shore Blvd.

By ALANNA RIZZAStaff Reporter Toronto Star
Mon., April 23, 2018

My Guppy - Nice Green Color Guppy

Friday, April 20, 2018

Nice Tropical Fish- so many of them

To all my blogger friends
thank you for watching, hope you will enjoy it, have a nice weekend
take care and keep in touch
from Peter

Nice Marine Fish

Very cute and charming Marine Ocean fish.  I think Marine fish are the most unique, colorful and fun fish. There are so many variety of them, so cute just love it, thank you for watching, hope you will enjoy it, have a nice weekend...from Peter

If  you have time, welcome to visit my official website

Salt Water Fish

Wonderful experience- Subway Musican

sometimes if fun to take subway for you can meet all kind of people and interesting things too.

Sunday, April 15, 2018

敲敲門 - 陳叔善唱 - 原唱 鳳飛飛


敲敲門 - 陳叔善唱 - 原唱 鳳飛飛



曲: 劉家昌  詞:劉家昌










If you have time, welcome to visit my official website

Friday, April 13, 2018

绿豆芽肉丝 平靚正快 煮食天地 陳叔善 弟30集

绿豆芽肉丝 平靚正快 煮食天地 陳叔善 弟30集

A very tasty and easy to make dish, also very healthy, hope you will enjoy it, try to do it, is so easy, simple and fast to make
by the way, i am a artist ( painter ) if you have time, welcome to visit my official website

Thursday, April 12, 2018

I meet a very cute and friendly Dog today while i have my Tea break :) by Peter Suk Sin Chan 陳叔善

I am so happy for i meet a very cute and friendly Dog today when i have my tea break in a bakery shop. One of the customer come with his Dog, and the Dog was so  nice and friendly to me that you may think it is my own Doggie..ha.ha.. so the Bakery owner took those photos of me and this lovely Dogie for cute, so nice make my day

Dog is one of the most cutest creature in this world

if you have time, welcome to visit my official website

Saturday, April 7, 2018

O..No.. Death toll rises to 15 in Humboldt Broncos junior hockey team bus crash Head coach, team captain among the dead after semi-trailer collided with bus near Tisdale, Sask.

Death toll rises to 15 in Humboldt Broncos junior hockey team bus crash

Head coach, team captain among the dead after semi-trailer collided with bus near Tisdale, Sask.CBC News · 

The death toll from the bus crash involving a Saskatchewan junior hockey team bus has risen to 15, a day after the tragedy impacting players, personnel and others with the Humboldt Broncos.
The RCMP said the 15th person died Saturday after the crash involving the bus, which was carrying 29 people including the driver, and a semi-trailer. Another 14 people were injured — some critically — in the collision about 30 kilometres north of Tisdale, Sask. 
The president of the Broncos, of the Saskatchewan Major Junior Hockey League, fought back tears Saturday as he described being "heartbroken and completely devastated" by the crash.
"These young men have had a significant impact, on our homes, on our families, on our children," said Kevin Garinger at a news conference attended by about 200 people in Humboldt.
The team includes 24 players, all from Western Canada, ranging in age from 16 to 21.  
Head coach Darcy Haugan was one of the victims.Broncos captain Logan Schatz, 20, and teammates Adam Herold, 16, Jaxon Joseph, 20, and Stephen Wack, 21, were also killed, along with Tyler Bieber, a play-by-play announcer who worked with Humboldt radio station 107.5 Bolt FM.  

當地傳媒報道,車禍地點位於迪斯代爾(Tisdale)以北30公里的35號高速公路上,事發在當地星期五傍晚前,肇事巴士當時乘載洪堡市野馬隊(Humboldt Broncos)成員,前往尼柏雲市作賽。主教練及多名未成年的球員當場死亡。 聯賽會主席其後召開記者會交代事件時,亦難忍傷痛,數度沉默。

Tuesday, April 3, 2018





YouTube產品經理薛曼(Todd Sherman)在社群網路推特形容聽到有人跑步的聲音,原先以為發生地震,接著才被告知有人有槍。



聖布魯諾(San Bruno)警察局長巴伯利尼(Ed Barberini)在記者會中表示,警方接獲槍擊通報後進入大樓,發現至少4人中槍,其中一名女性的傷口是自己造成的,且已死亡。巴伯利尼表示,他認為這名女性就是槍手。






wow..dont tell me Shark will not attack human and they are friendly

Monday, April 2, 2018

Very Attractive Yellow Leon Tropical Fish by Peter Suk Sin Chan 陳叔善

臘味炒菠菜- 平靚正快 煮食天地 - 弟29集 by Peter Suk Sin Chan 陳叔善

This is a very tasty dish. hope you will enjoy it, it is very simple try to learn it, and you will love it. thank you for watching. 這是最快最易煮的方法, 不會煮食的朋友也可以自己煮來吃, 化繁為簡, 用最小材料即可享用..多謝收看..陳叔善敬上 by the way, i am a artist ( painter ) if you have time, welcome to visit my official website